Friday, January 18, 2013


Ok I played last night with the washers and I had a great time.  Here are the pictures of the results. 
As for the wreath, more bad news, I had to grab a few groceries this morning so I ran to walmart.  Found the perfect pieces to finish it off.  I get home and show sassy the mask.  Well needless to say she played with it.  Did not put it back where it belongs and it got broken.  Neither child would fess up so they both paid me 7 dollars.  5 for the mask and 2 for gas.  Annoying!! Now tomorrow I have to and try to find another one.  It was the only one I saw like that.  Ugggh.

Hopefully my corks come in the mail tomorrow.  Ordered 500 for $10 on ebay!

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